You want to be healthier. What next? Fortunately for you, we have a step-by-step Mindful Eats Map to get you there. Let's get started!
Look, we're not going to lie - it will take commitment and work on your part, but we're here to keep you company and help share the load. It's not a quick fix or a diet - it's about permanent change. Changing your lifestyle for the healthier, day by day. Bettering your nutrition and fitness. You're not going to get healthy overnight (or in a week) - after all, you didn't get where you are overnight (or in a week), but stick with it. All you have to do is improve your batting average, and you'll soon be bursting with energy and the most attractive you've ever been. That will last a lifetime.
What to do - The MindfulEats Map
- Make a commitment to being healthy. We know you are interested; you wouldn't be here otherwise.
- Great. Now favorite MindfulEats on your browser, and subscribe to the MindfulEats posts for regular bursts of inspiration.
- Articulate your motivations. Why do you want to be healthy? These could include: a) you're sick and tired of feeling like crap, b) you want to set a healthy example for your kids so they don't have to wrestle with similar issues, c) you want to lose weight and look great, d) you see healthy people running around and you want to be like that too.
- Baseline your current habits. Read this post and start your Mindful Log.
- Read MindfulEats regularly. Browse the archives.
- After a week of keeping your Mindful Log, set your Mindful Goals.
- The basis of MindfulEats is a high-quality, whole foods diet. Please read this as a basic primer.
Unless you have a chef that can prepare healthy meals for you, or you are going to be eating all your meals out at a health-food restaurant, you will be preparing some of your own foods. Read these posts to learn how to grocery shop and plan your meals, how to snack properly, and how to cook healthy and fast.