I'm a great believer in luck, and I find the harder I work the more I have of it. ~Thomas Jefferson
If you've been reading MindfulEats for a while, you know that the New Year is a favorite holiday - not for the parties, but for the fresh start and the chance to create resolutions that will make it the Best.Year.Ever.
You may roll your eyes at resolutions, but it's fun to get inspired. It's all about making resolutions that you have a chance to follow through on. You might have standard resolutions that you tweak every year, but here is a fun new way to create some for 2022 that will help you live a better year.
First, grab a piece of paper or open a new document, and think of your favorite memories from 2021. Write them down.
That was fun! Now sort through those memories, and pick the top one or two -- when you felt on top of the world and unstoppable. Circle them. Wouldn't it be great to bottle that memory and those feelings? It's not about recreating the memories, but creating NEW experiences in 2022 that generate the same awesome feelings.
So, think about that favorite memory again.
- What did you do to get you there?
- What plans did you make?
- Who got you there?
- What work did you put into it?
- Which skills did you draw on to make it happen?
- What luck did you have to make it happen?
Write it all down. Pick the five actions that have the greatest impact. Those are your 2022 resolutions, and they will guarantee great results. Now go get 2022, tiger!