So much to learn: World History, New York Times, Vogue, The Economist, Ken Ken, Geographical Expeditions Travel
My body is tired, but my spirit does soar/ if not to work hard than what is this body for? ~Cory Booker
Smartypants, you are so clever to be getting healthier. We know you are (getting healthier), otherwise you wouldn't be here. We also know you're looking good... but what are you doing with all the extra energy and vitality? Feed your brain! Not only does it make you scintillating, it also makes you smarter.
Sure, you can spend your extra energy at work or at the bar, but be sure to indulge your other passions. Even if you're one of the lucky people who managed to combine work with what you love, you can still nurse your other interests. Inspiration often strikes when you've veered from the normal routine, so if you're a workaholic, you'll be even better at your job. Developing your multiple facets also makes you an even more fascinating person AND a better role model for your kids. Then there are all the other benefits of exercising your brain - you stay sharp, slow memory loss and help ward off potential senility and Alzheimer's. It's just like your body - use it or lose it!
What to do - Feed Your Brain
- Stay informed. Get a subscription to your local newspaper or a great magazine (it's ok to read things offline. By reading a paper newspaper, we find that we often end up reading articles we would have never read online). We recommend the New York Times or the Economist for general current events.
- Dive into your passions. What interests you? Your passions may be long-standing, but they don't have to be. They can even be temporary. Make a list of everything that you are curious about or wish you had time for. Look at it and see what floats to the top. Start playing soccer again, memorize that Shakespeare sonnet, take a cooking class, travel, research the difference between European swords and Japanese swords. Become an expert. There's so much to do! As Martin Scorsese notes in Raging Bull, we're only here (on Earth) for 20 minutes, so relax and have a good time.
- Learn something new. Learn a new language, a new physical skill, how to act, or that thing you've been putting off. Take that sailing or painting class. Do some new sudoku or crosswords. It's a big world.
- Show off. There's so much to learn and do, we can't possibly do it all. So indulge your passion and share all that knowledge with someone else. We're dying to know! Seriously. What is it that makes you your quirky self? What are you passionate about? Leave a comment or send an email.
What I ate: vegetable juice, 2 coffees, Barbara's Bakery Shredded Oat cereal + ground flax seeds + milk, 6 squares dark chocolate, sauteed scallops + whole wheat spaghetti, dried mango slices, LifeThyme Market Raw Vegan Pizza, macadamia nuts, hot chocolate, 50 oz. water
Exercise: 15 min stationary bike, 20 min weights