View from Duryea's, Montauk, July 2009
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit. ~Aristotle
Hi gorgeous! You're fabulous, and the fact that you're reading this means that you're interested in getting healthier and even MORE fabulous. Stick with it - be consistent about eating and exercising more mindfully, and you will definitely see and feel results. You don't need to be perfect, you just need to get a bit better. And you can definitely do that. All you have to do is improve your batting average.
The one thing that doesn't work is a short cut. But you knew that, didn't you smartie? No diet pill, supplement, steroid, surgery or weird advertisement in the back of a magazine will get you there. Short cuts might give you a short term boost in results, but that's pretty different from the radiant health that you're looking for and deserve. Let's be honest - it took months, if not years, of your habits to get to your current state. We know you want fast results, but you can't expect to get healthy instantly. Give yourself a break! It's a gradual process.
Short cuts are appealing because they promise quick results. Who doesn't love that? I mean, how do you know it's working if you can't see results? This is where what you see is misleading. Short cuts to getting skinny or looking fitter actually hurt your health in the long run. The popular diet drug, Hydroxycut, is linked to death and health damage. Steroids cause 'roid range and long term health issues. Liposuction gets rid of bumps but doesn't give you permanent energy or joy. Short cuts also make you crazy in the head so that no one wants to hang around you anyway. What's the fun in looking skinny by yourself? So if you're using a short cut, stop! If you're thinking about it, don't. It's a waste of time, energy and money.
The only thing that really works is being mindful about eating clean, whole foods and getting enough exercise and sleep. Promise. It's hard work, but you're worth it. You'll get even more gorgeous, be happier and have more energy. And you'll be richer! (Obese Americans spend 42% more on health care). It's never too late to get healthier. I just caught up with a friend who lost 25 pounds in the past year, and he's also running faster than he ever has in his life. And he's over 40. We can all get better. If you're already perfect - awesome - find someone to mentor.
What to do
- You want to be healthier. Yay. If you are currently using a short cut, stop! It's causing long term harm and it isn't sustainable. It's a waste of time and money. As soon as you stop, you'll bounce back to where you were, and you'll be even worse off. If you're not using a short cut, don't even think about it. Ignore the internet ads with before and after pictures. They're stupid.
- Keep your eyes on the prize. Sure, you'll get even more attractive as you get healthier, but you'll also be more energetic, happy and radiant. You'll have more peace. No short cut can provide that.
- Get back to basics. Review the Mindful Eats Map. It's not complicated, and it's all there.
Don't forget to have fun!
What I ate: 12 oz. vegetable juice, Whole Foods Plain low fat yogurt + strawberries + blueberries, 1 banana, 16 oz. Good Earth tea, 1/2 c. quinoa, sauteed zucchini + yellow squash + shitaake mushrooms, 3 oz. turkey jerkey, 5 pieces Pirate's Booty, 4 dried figs, 2 handfuls cherries, 1 oz. raw cheese, 12 oz. cafe au lait, 1 small madeleine, vegan nori roll, 1 handful Mindful Mix, 4 squares dark chocolate, 50 oz. water
Exercise: 30 min. weights