More water please: Cora Carafe, Sigg .6L aluminum bottle, 1L steel bottle
"Water is life's mater and matrix, mother and medium. There is no life without water." - Albert Szent-Gyorgyi
What to do: Drink more water
- Write down how much water you are drinking in your Mindful Log (how to fill out the log here). Notice your body. What's your urine like - is it clear or dark and cloudy? That's your baseline.
- Drink more water for the next few days. Write the amount down in your log and see if there is an impact on your urine. Does your skin look different? Does your energy level change? Observe yourself and make a connection with your water consumption. You will probably need to use the bathroom more frequently, but as your body adjusts, you will go back to your normal pattern. Continue to drink more water until you feel at your best. You don't need to drink 64 oz., but you can try it and adjust up or down from there.
- Choose bottled or tap. I recommend tap, but you should fiter it. It contains fluoride, which is important for keeping teeth cavity free. Bottled water also comes in plastic, and besides the environmental issues, the plastic may have leached into the water. You can attach a filter directly to your tap or you can use a pitcher filter. If you use a pitcher, transfer the water to a glass pitcher after filtering. Change the pitcher regularly as the plastic can degrade and start leaching - do not wash it in the dishwasher as the heat will break it down.
- Drink more water at home. The key is to have it in front of you. If you work at home, keep a pitcher and large glass in front of you. If you don't have a pitcher, reuse an empty glass bottle (juice bottles work well).
- Drink at work. If you work in an office, get a large glass container, leave it on your desk, and drink from that. I use the glass cora carafe from CB2 (you can see it above), and people constantly comment on it. It adds a touch of elegance to my desk (a good deal for $9.95).
- Drink on the go, when you are out for the day. Use a metal water bottle, and put only water in it. It may seem strange to drink from metal, but remember, you cook in a metal pan. See this post for a comparison of aluminum vs. steel water bottles.
What I ate today: 12 oz. green juice, 2 clementines, 2 cups coffee, roasted vegetables + pasta (resavored), 4 squares of dark chocolate, 2 dried apricots, 1 banana, 1 apple, 1 handful of Mindful Mix, 1 c. brown rice + ground flaxseed, steamed broccoli + tofu + mushrooms, plain yogurt + strawberry jam + ground flaxseed, 2 hot chocolates, 62 oz. water